
Reflecting on My Web Development Journey

Separation of Concerns, Locality of Behavior, and Javascript

Article: 3 Tribes of Programming

Video: How To Get Ahead of 99% Of Developers RIGHT NOW

Standing Out

Video: Stop Studying Programming

100 Days of Code: 91-100 (+ Reflection)

Typing and Tooling

100 Days of Code: 81-90

Focus (or Lack Thereof)

100 Days of Code: 71-80

100 Days of Code: 61-70

100 Days of Code: 51-60

100 Days of Code: 41-50

100 Days of Code: 31-40

100 Days of Code: 21-30

100 Days of Code: 11-20

100 Days of Code: 1-10

Starting 100 Days of Code