100 Days of Code: 61-70

There are some significant steps I took in these 10 days:
Finished reading Clojure for the Brave and True (been a while since I got to read a book from start to finish)
Switched to learning Go instead of Clojure
Ported my blog to Hugo (still at https://overthinking-development.blog/)
I also published one post: Developer Philosophies
Day 61 / Sep 20
- Read a little in chapter 12 in Clojure for the Brave and True which discusses Java interop.
Day 62 / Sep 21
Spent most of my time setting up Ubuntu and Emacs for better Clojure development in the future
Did a new iteration for a previous problem I solved on Exercism after having a mentoring discussion
Day 63 / Sep 22
Fiddled with Emacs configuration for Clojure and got to set up CIDER which allows interactive development
Finished chapter 12 of the book which ended with some examples of commonly used Java classes and the entirety of chapter 13 which is about extending Clojure with abstraction - with that, I reached the end of the book!
Day 64 / Sep 23
Started writing an article draft
Added Paredit to my Emacs setup for structural editing
Tried to solve a problem on Exercism but failed to complete it
Day 65 / Sep 24
- Wrote more in the draft
Day 66 / Sep 25
Configured Emacs to work with Clojure LSP and display the errors and warnings in the buffer while editing
Laid the foundation for a new backend project by copying some code I wrote before for experimentation
Day 67 / Sep 26
- Started developing the project which is gonna be a simple API that does web scraping - I was able to pull a page and retrieve elements with CSS-style selectors
Day 68 / Sep 27
- Completely unrelated to my drawn path, I started looking into Go for some reason. I found a condensed 1-hour video to get me started
Day 69 / Sep 28
I finished around 80-90% of the introductory Go video tutorial.
Started a Hugo project to port my blog to a proper SSG. I copied the CSS and Markdown content and started adding some metadata.
Started writing an article draft.
Day 70 / Sep 29
Adjusted the metadata and CSS for my Hugo blog and deployed it at https://overthinking-development.blog/. There is still some work to do.
Published Developer Philosophies