100 Days of Code: 81-90

These 10 days were surely productive. Aside from continuing the Boot.dev grind and writing Go code on the side, the highlights are:
PR merge in the learnbuildteach.com website reop - my first contribution to open source!
Some visual improvements to my blog.
Published 1 article: Focus (or Lack Thereof)
Day 81 / Oct 10
Did some Go tutorials from the official documentation site which showed how to connect to a SQL database and run queries
Started to become frustrated with the data structures course on Boot.dev, so I skipped it for now to proceed in some easier JavaScript courses
Day 82 / Oct 11
- Solved some assignments in Boot.dev including a little pushing in the data structures course
Day 83 / Oct 12
Started writing a blog article - I left blogging for a while
More Boot.dev grinding
Day 84 / Oct 13
Some writing in the blog draft
More Boot.dev grinding… I started a guided project which is meant to be a maze solver. Pretty cool!
Submitted a PR for the learnbuildteach.com website
Built a simple Go server following a YouTube tutorial
Day 85 / Oct 14
Revisiting some previous courses in Boot.dev and checking if there are optional challenges that I left
Started developing a little personal project with Go
Some writing in the blog draft, feeling a little slow these days writing-wise
Day 86 / Oct 15
Started the HTTP course in Boot.dev
Built a simple CRUD backend following a YouTube tutorial
Day 87 / Oct 16
Redid some exercises in the algorithms course in Boot.dev
Made some visual and content adjustments to the home page of my blog
My PR got merged, and that was my first contribution to open-source!
Day 88 / Oct 17
Finished the HTTP course in Boot.dev
Worked on my personal Go project - got a little proof-of-concept working
Day 89 / Oct 18
Finished redoing all the sorting algorithms in Boot.dev
Published Focus (or Lack Thereof)
Day 90 / Oct 19
Started redoing some data structures assignments in Boot.dev
Made some CSS adjustments to my blog
Wrote some Go code in my side project