100 Days of Code: 91-100 (+ Reflection)

Reflection on the Whole Journey
What started with messing around with Clojure and blogging on Hashnode for fun ended up with me making my first contributions to open-source, starting to build real projects, and aspiring to be a back-end developer using Go. That was both interesting and fun.
While I didn’t end the challenge with a complete achievement like a finished project or something, I am proud the most of getting a lot of clarity out of this journey. I have been an aimless hobbyist for so many years, and I’m grateful for all the skills I built over that time, but I always had the feeling that I could do more with these skills but never acted on that feeling. Now, I have a language that I am happy with and ready to learn at a deeper level, and I have a goal to aim for!
So, I think that these 100 days were a success in terms of setting the stage for what I’ll be doing from now on to prepare myself for a back-end job. Looking forward to the future!
Day 91 / Oct 20
Made a little progress in Boot.dev
Did some work on the learnbuildteach.com code repo
Day 92 / Oct 21
- Did some work on my Go CLI project
Day 93 / Oct 22
Redid some data structures exercises in Boot.dev
Did a little Go tutorial on developing a REST API with Gin
Day 94 / Oct 23
- More Boot.dev data structures
Day 95 / Oct 24
- Also more Boot.dev data structures
Day 96 / Oct 25
Did a Go tutorial on type parameters and type constraints… interesting stuff!
Some work on my Go CLI
Some blog writing
Day 97 / Oct 26
Solved my first LeetCode problem
Some work in the guided JS project in Boot.dev, plus some data structures
Added some documentation to my Go CLI project in the README
Day 98 / Oct 27
Pushed a branch on my fork of the learnbuildteach.com source code to confirm some things before proceeding
Completed a step in the guided JS project in Boot.dev
Wrote another solution to yesterday’s LeetCode problem to make it more efficient, and solved a new one
Day 99 / Oct 28
Started adding some tests to my Go project
Did a little work on the LBT website
Published Typing and Tooling
Day 100 / Oct 29
Started reading “Effective Go” which is an official document about the unique and idiomatic features of Go code
Did a tutorial for a full-stack app with Go and HTMX (that’s the first time I write some HTMX!)
Cover image source: https://dwglogo.com/go/