Shiny t-Test App

This is an R/Shiny app that performs the t family of tests (on data uploaded by the user) with options that allow more flexible analysis.

Doing a t-test in R is really easy, but making an intuitive UI interface to same test is more challenging than it seems. If you build apps with too many assumptions in mind, the user might not share these assumptions, and that would lead to bugs. I try to keep this in mind while making Shiny apps.

In this project demo, I will explain this app I built for t-tests in some detail to demonstrate its features and flexibility as well as areas of improvement that I intend to work on in my Shiny journey.

The app took more than one iteration. You can check out the latest version both as GitHub code and live demo from the links below:

Iteration 1

shiny t-test

Feature overview

The following points are the features and ideas I took into consideration while making the app:


The ultimate purpose of this app is nothing more than my own Shiny training. I simply wanted to build a functional app, and I consider this a first step towards more complex projects that might actually solve a more “tangible” problem.

However, I might argue that a long-vs-wide data feature is an interesting one because it is usually not available in GUI-based statistical packages like SPSS. When you perform a t-test (or any test in general), the program usually expect one of the two forms. I know that in SPSS, the independent t-test expects long data and the paired t-test expects wide data.

Potential improvements

Iteration 2

This one builds further upon the previously written code. It addresses some of the points mentioned earlier and adds some more.

better shiny t-test

Added features

Potential improvements
