Functional Programming: filter

Another famous higher-order function is filter. Although it is rather handy for some programming languages, it might be less useful in the R world. I will talk about it for the sake of completeness (I wrote two posts about higher-order functions: one about map and another about reduce). Then I will explain why we don’t need it in R

What is filter?

Like the other higher-order functions we talked about, filter takes a function and a collection. The result is a subset of the original collection. Elements are kept or discarded, not surprisingly, according to the input function:

How to implement it in R?

If you already know map and reduce, filter should be very easy. It is available in base R with a capital F: Filter().

Let’s say you have a vector c(1,2,3,4,5) and you want to filter only even numbers. The only trick you need to do is build a predicate, which we’ll call is_even().

is_even <- function(x) {
    x %% 2 == 0

All what’s left is calling Reduce() with the predicate and the vector.

Filter(is_even, 1:5)
# [1] 2 4

Side note: negating a predicate

Although you could easily negate a logical vector with the exclamation/bang sign, that doesn’t make sense for a predicate: you can’t negate a function. But R has a built-in function called Negate() that takes a predicate and return another predicate with the logic flipped. (Notice that this is a higher-order function that is different from the ones we discussed because it returns a function, the new predicate.)

Why is it not very useful?

One word: vectorization.

In case you don’t know what that means, it is the fact that when you do an arithmetic or logical operation on a vector. R automatically does it element-wise. This is not the default behavior of most programming languages in which it doesn’t make sense to add a number to a collection. But R is a language “made by statisticians for statisticians”, and making vectorization a default behavior is (I think) a smart move for a language meant to be used by non-developers.

So, when I ask if the remainder of dividing “the vector” by two is zero, I get back a vector of TRUEs and FALSEs.

1:5 %% 2 == 0

Which brings us to the second smart move: any vector can be indexed with logical vectors, so that values matching the TRUEs are kept and those matching the FALSEs are discarded.

Here is another example in which I will write both methods without any intermediate definitions, and it’s up to you to decide which is better to your taste.

Filter(function(x) x %% 1 == 0, iris$Sepal.Length)
#  [1] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6

iris$Sepal.Length[iris$Sepal.Length %% 1 == 0]
#  [1] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6

Personally, I feel slightly annoyed by the need to repeat the vector’s name to use the indexing-based method. But I also know that these higher-order functions are kind of obscure in the R world.

Let’s also not forget that R is meant for data analysis, and Filter() doesn’t work with data frames unless you convert them to a list. But why do that when you have indexing-based filtering? or dplyr?

That ends our glance over the higher-order filter and, more importantly, why R programmers don’t need it.
